Be Aware of Scams Affecting Federal Courts
10/18/2024 Jury Scam - 100+ citizens across Montana received a jury scam voicemail recording from the U.S. District Court, District of Montana, Civil Services Division. Five menu options provided: (1) Warrants, (2) Civil Services Division, (3) Judicial Services Dept., (4) Schedule appointment w/Probational Track Services Team, and (5) Lead Shift Supervisor Major Chad Trevino. Do not return this phone call at 406-201-8765 or visit the website at This is a scam!
People are being targeted by phone call, email and messaging scams threatening them with prosecution for failing to comply with jury service. In the communications, recipients are pressured to provide confidential data, potentially leading to identity theft and fraud. The scammers threaten recipients with fines and jail time if they do not comply. These communications are fraudulent and are not connected with the U.S. courts. Please note that the U.S. District Court does not summon jurors via email. DO NOT open any links in an email that purports to summon you for federal jury service. You should delete the message immediately. A genuine summons for federal jury service will arrive via U.S. mail bearing the court seal, and will provide the court's email and phone contact information.
The U.S. Marshals Service is also warning the public of a nationwide telephone scam involving individuals claiming to be U.S. marshals, court officers or law enforcement officials seeking to collect a fine in lieu of arrest for failing to report for jury duty. The U.S. Marshals Service does not call anyone to arrange payment of fines over the phone for failure to appear for jury duty or any other infraction. In order to appear more credible, the scammers may even provide information like badge numbers and the names of actual federal judges and courthouse addresses. Victims have been told they can avoid arrest by paying a fine using a reloadable credit card, and were urged to call a number and provide their own credit card number to initiate the process. The Marshals Service urges the public not to divulge personal or financial information to unknown callers, even if they sound legitimate.
If you are called by someone who says there is a warrant for your arrest related to missed federal jury duty, do not make any payments to them. Neither the U.S. Marshals Service, nor the U.S. District Court, will ever call to request payment of fines over the phone for failure to appear for jury duty.
You may report a scam and file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission at 888-225-5322 or
Persons receiving any such telephone calls or emails should not provide the requested information. If you have any doubts about the validity of a jury summons you have received, contact the court (see Jury Contact to the left).
Jury duty is a vital civic responsibility and should be taken seriously by all citizens. However, it is a crime for anyone to falsely represent themself as a federal court official. The federal Judiciary takes such offenses seriously.
More information about this type of fraudulent activity can be found on the U.S. Courts web page and U.S. Courts Juror Scam Alert.