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Public Audio Access to Civil Proceedings

Please check the list of approved public audio access hearings to the right.  If the hearing has already been approved for public audio access no additional request is needed.  Click the District of Montana Live YouTube Stream button to access the hearing.

As of September 22, 2023, the Judicial Conference of the United States allows a judge presiding over a civil non-trial proceeding to, in the judge’s discretion, authorize live remote public audio access to any portion of that proceeding in which a witness is not testifying. This policy does not create any right of any party or the public to live remote public audio access to any proceeding.  

Prior to submitting the Public Audio Access to Civil Proceedings Request Form below, please carefully read and understand the following rules and guidelines:

The request form should be completed to request access by the public to a non-trial civil proceeding that does not involve witnesses.  Criminal cases are not available for streaming.  Parties to actions must file a motion to appear via Zoom or telephonically and should not use this service for remote appearances.

Submission Format
Requests must be made through the online Request to Stream Court Proceedings form only.  Please complete all fields.

Submission Deadline
Requests made less than 24 hours prior to the proceeding cannot be guaranteed.  

Notification of Decision
Access to streaming is at the discretion of the judicial officer.  You will be notified of the court’s decision via email or telephone.

Public Audio Access to Civil Proceedings Request Form

Email the completed form to