The Clerk’s Office can provide procedural assistance, help you file your documents and answer many of your questions. The Clerk's Office maintains an automated electronic record, or docket, for every case that is filed. The docket is a chronological summary of all significant events in the case. You can ask for a copy of the docket sheet by written request to the Clerk’s Office.
You can find the Clerk’s Office contact information on the Contact Us page.
However, the Clerk’s Office is legally prohibited from providing legal advice. Below is a summary of what the Clerk’s Office can, and cannot, provide for you:
The Clerk’s Office CAN:
Answer general questions and give general information about how the court works.
Provide you with the required forms to open a new case.
The Clerk’s Office CANNOT:
Tell you whether or not you should file a new case or what words you should use in your court pleadings.
Talk to the judge for you or let you talk to the judge outside of court.
Compute deadlines in your case or explain orders entered by the court.
Interpret rules, statutes or other law, or interpret any substantive matters contained in this handbook.
Tell you what document you should file.
Predict how or when the judge might rule on your case.
Recommend a course of action.
Interpret the meaning or effect of any court order or judgment.
Assist or do legal research for you.