Below are general instructions for submitting a registration request in PACER for self-represented parties, please see District of Montana Pro Se Filing Instructions for step-by-step instructions for filing through the Court’s electronic filing system, CM/ECF.
Additional information for filing without an attorney can be found on the Representing Yourself (Pro Se) tab of the Court’s website.
Pro Se filers have the option of registering to file directly in this Court' s CM/ECF system and receive electronic service for individual cases in our Court if they meet the following requirements:
Meet the technical requirements as listed on page 8 of the CM/ECF User’s Guide for Filing.
Be a party to the open case for which they are applying.
The case filing fee is paid, or fee waiver has been granted by the Court (if applicable).
Are not currently represented by an attorney(s).
Registration Steps
ALL of the following steps must be completed to successfully register to file directly in this Court's CM/ECF system and receive e-service. Note: Steps 2 & 3 need to be completed only once. If you previously completed these steps for another case, you only need to complete Step 1 for each additional case.
Complete and submit the CM/ECF Registration Form for Pro Se Filers (see Step 1. Submit CM/ECF Registration Form for Pro Se Filers).
Register for a PACER - Case Search Only account (see Step 2: How to Register for a PACER account (attorney and non-attorney)).
Request Non-Attorney Filers access to CM/ECF via your PACER-Case Search Only account (see Step 3. Request Non-Attorney Filers Access to CM/ECF).
Submit CM/ECF Registration Form for Pro Se Filers
A separate CM/ECF Registration Form for Pro Se Filers must be submitted for each case in which you wish to file directly in this Court's CM/ECF system and receive electronic service. You are required to have a case number before you can register for e-filing/service. If you are attempting to open a case, refer the Representing Yourself (Pro Se) tab of the Court’s website. Follow the steps below to properly fill out the form.
Register for a PACER - Case Search Only Account
For step-by-step instructions with screenshots, see Register for an Individual Pacer Account. If you already have a PACER- Case Search Only account, skip to Step 3: Request Non-Attorney Filers Access to CM/ECF via your PACER-Case Search Only Account.
Request Non-Attorney Filers Access to CM/ECF via your PACER-Case Search Only Account
Once you have created your PACER - Case Search Only account, you must next request access to this District's CM/ECF system by completing the following steps: